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GForge AS is completely rebuilt to make a modern, extensible platform with an intuitive interface that ties together a huge toolset, from Source Code Management (SCM) to extremely customizable Trackers, Task Managers, Document Managers, Forums, Mailing Lists. All of these are controlled by a centralized permission system and maintained automatically by the system. Upgrading --------- See ChangeLog for details on upgrading an existing installation Installing GForge Advanced Server --------------------------------- First MAKE YOUR LIFE EASY and start with a clean supported operating system with "yum" - or yast or whatever your OS uses - properly working. You should be able to type "yum install php" and have it work. CentOS 5 already has PHP5 and all dependencies built in. On RHEL4 and CentOS 4, the installer will download PHP5 rpms from and install those. ***IMPORTANT centos4/RHEL4 note - you should first delete the PHP rpms and the dependencies, like php-mysql and php-ldap before starting this install, or it could fail during the upgrade to php5*** RECOMMENDED PLATFORM: RHEL5/CentOS5 - All packages are built into the OS and this is the only platform tested and supported by GForge Group. Ask for help: To install PHP: # yum install php (Fedora Core 4/5, CentOS 4, RHEL5) Once that's done, you can simply type "php install-gforge-1-deps.php [OS]" and it will download and install all the requirements. Be sure to change [OS] for your setup, such as RHEL5, CENTOS5, FC5 - these are the best and easiest operating systems to use for GForge AS, since they have all or almost all the packages built in. Then, simply type "php install-gforge-2-db.php" which will install the default database, full-text indexing, and other bits of code. Next, type "php install-gforge-3.php [OS]" which will create directories in /opt/gforge5 /etc/gforge/ and /var/lib/gforge and do a complete installation of the code. This script will create the directories and move the code into place. ****NOT QUITE DONE YET!*** Next, you must place the crontab into the root crontab with this command: # crontab Your installation is now complete. You can verify or tweak the installation with the information below. Performance ----------- The ioncube-encoded version of GForge AS can be sped up significantly by pre-loading the ioncube loaders. This can increase performance by up to 50-75% and is noticeable on slower or busy servers. To do this, go to the ioncube directory in gforge5 like this: cd /opt/gforge5/ioncube And run the loader-helper script. php ioncube-loader-helper.php Type 1 to get the instructions for the line that you need to be placed into your php.ini. Place the line as directed and restart apache. /etc/init.d/httpd restart Full Text Indexing ------------------ The pdftotext and wvText commands need to be available on your system and the path set correctly in /etc/gforge/gforge.conf the cronjobs/filesystem_index.php cronjob will check every 30 minutes to see if new docs have been uploaded and if so index and make them searchable. Mailman integration ------------------- GForge uses mailman for mailing list integration. Mailman is installed using the dependencies script noted above. Before mailman can be started, you must create a default mailman mailing list: # /usr/lib/mailman/bin/newlist mailman Once that is done, you can start mailman: # /etc/init.d/mailman start Verify The Installation ----------------------- Check the /etc/gforge/httpd.conf, /etc/gforge/gforge.conf and /etc/gforge/plugins/mailman/mailman.conf to set your hostname. Make sure your /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf has a line like this at the very bottom: Include /etc/gforge/httpd.conf Once that's done, restart httpd: /etc/init.d/httpd restart After this, make sure the /etc/gforge/gforge5-db-conf.php file has the correct information to access your database. Finally, you must rebuld the configuration and language caches: /opt/gforge5/bin/create_config_cache.php /opt/gforge5/bin/create_lang_cache.php Database Manual Installation ---------------------------- Database installation overview 1) Create a "gforge" user in postgres: # createuser -U postgres -d gforge (The -d option allows the user to create databases) 2) Create the "gforge5" database: # createdb -U gforge gforge5 3) Create the pl/pgsql language in gforge database as postgres user # createlang -U postgres plpgsql gforge5 4) Import gforge schema as gforge user # psql -U gforge gforge5 < /opt/gforge5/db/pgsql/gforge5-complete.sql 5) Import tsearch2.sql into gforge database as "postgres" user (make sure you've installed the "postgresql-contrib" package): # psql -U postgres gforge5 < /usr/share/pgsql/contrib/tsearch2.sql 6) Grant access to the "gforge" user on these special tables: # psql -U postgres gforge5 gforge5=# GRANT ALL ON TABLE pg_ts_cfg TO gforge; GRANT gforge5=# GRANT ALL ON TABLE pg_ts_cfgmap TO gforge; GRANT gforge5=# GRANT ALL ON TABLE pg_ts_dict TO gforge; GRANT gforge5=# GRANT ALL ON TABLE pg_ts_parser TO gforge; GRANT gforge5=# \q # 7) Import full-text-indexing as "gforge" user: # psql -U gforge gforge5 < /opt/gforge5/db/pgsql/FTI-gforge5.sql 8) Find your pg_hba.conf file and edit it to include these lines: #local all all md5 local all all trust The "trust" setting is much less secure, but will be easier to set up for a novice. 9) Restart postgres: # /etc/init.d/postgresql restart 10) Now edit /etc/gforge/gforge5-db-conf.php and set the database name, host and password. Caches ------ In gforge, the language and configuration files have to be parsed and saved into the cache directory that is set up by the installation script. If you find that you have to change a configuration directive or a text string for your language, you must rebuild the appropiate cache file. In order to do this, do the following: * If you must rebuild the configuration cache, run /opt/gforge5/bin/create_config_cache.php * If you must rebuild the strings cache, run /opt/gforge5/bin/create_lang_cache.php TrueType fonts for graphics --------------------------- By default, the dynamic graphics of the site only support the standard ASCII 7-bit character set. In order to display foreign characters you need to have TrueType fonts (TTF) installed in your system. The procedure to find and install TrueType fonts varies depending on the OS, so you'll have to check your manual for that. Once you have TTF files installed on your system, you need to edit the /etc/gforge/gforge.conf file and set the trueTypeDir variable. Then run: # php /opt/gforge5/bin/create_config_cache.php If the TrueType fonts are installed in more than one directory, you can create a font directory for GForge somewhere in your system, and place a copy of the following files: For Western languages: * verdana.ttf * arial.ttf For Traditional Chinese: * bsmi00lp.ttf * bkai00mp.ttf * simsun.ttf For Simplified Chinese: * gbsn00lp.ttf * gkai00mp.ttf For Japanese: * ipamp.ttf * ipag.ttf * kochi-mincho.ttf or kochi-mincho-subst.ttf * sazanami-mincho.ttf For Korean: * gulim.ttf * dotum.ttf * batang.ttf You don't need to have all of those files in your system unless you want support for Asian languages (only the first two files are for Western languages). If a needed font is not found on your system, the default (non-TTF) font will be used instead. Miscellaneous UNIX notes ------------------------ The following files need to have your hostname set: * /etc/mail/local-host-names * /etc/hosts * /etc/gforge/gforge.conf * /etc/gforge/httpd.conf * /etc/gforge/plugins/mailman/mailman.conf * /etc/sysconfig/network The hostname can be automatically changed in the files in /etc/gforge/ at any time using the following command: # php /opt/gforge5/change-hostname.php That will also update the hostname for CVS/SVN in the database. After changing your hostname, you may have to restart some services: # /etc/init.d/sendmail restart # /etc/init.d/mailman restart # php /opt/gforge5/bin/create_config_cache.php You may also want to make sure httpd, postgresql and mailman start automatically when your machine boots: # chkconfig --level 234 httpd on # chkconfig --level 234 postgresql on # chkconfig --level 234 mailman on | |
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