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1.) Any of the following payment systems: Paypal, E-Gold, NetPay, Evocash, Online Check Credit Card ==================================== Installation And Setup Instructions: ==================================== You will notice inside your zip file both a index.php and a index.html You can use the index.html to redirect automatically to your secure page Just enter like this database and give it a user and password. #2 Upload the contents of the zip folder to your server. BE SURE TO LEAVE THE FOLDERS IN THE SAME STRUCTURE AS THEY CAME IN THE ZIP FOLDER. #3 chmod to 777 on all files and folders! #4 open with notepad both the fns.php in the root directory and fns.php in the admin folder and change the database varibles to match the database we created in step one. # 5 open the data.class file in the db folder and edit the database varibles there as well. #6 Now reupload the fns.php in the root overwriting the old, do the same in the admin folder as well. And reupload the data.class and overwrite the one in db folder. After doing this upload the epay.sql file located in the "sql database" folder of the zip file. If you have Cpanel and php admin this will be very easy simply select your database, then select sql then upload the database. #7 Make sure that chmod is still set to 777 #8 Open the file, paymentcc.php in the root folder and edit the line: $mail = ""; and relpace with your email address for credir card payment notification] #9 You may edit the design layout by customizing the HTML files in the /templates folder. ===================== Running The Software: ===================== Admin Login: Default username: admin, password: admin Main Page: Member Signup: Once you have log into the admin panel, you can now click on admin prefernces and set the varibles to match your site. Examples, Login: admin Password: admin E-mail: Non user-area pages header url: /home/yourhosting panel username/public_html/templates/header.html Non user-area pages footer url: /home/your hosting panel username/public_html/templates/footer.html User area header url: /home/yourhostingpanelusername/public_html/templates/usheader.html User area footer url: /home/yourhostingpanelusername/public_html/templates/usfooter.html Site url: Don't forget to type "/" at the end Only put https:// if your going to install your 128bit ssl certificate! After you have updated all the info in the admin we now need to move on to the main user pages of your new site. Everthing is all marked with (Yoursite) You will need to open many of the pages and edit these manually and change (Yoursite) to the name of the site your using. When editing you will find on many of the pages that there is both a php and a html page for the same thing. You will need to edit both of these to match yoursites information. ================ Customer Support ================ If you need help installing or configuring your script, we offer professional installation for our software for a flat-fee of $30. If you require us to help you install our software on your server, feel free to email us at or use our online feedback form to send us an installation request. =============== Version History =============== Version 2.0: ================================ License Agreement and Disclaimer ================================ AlstraSoft EPay Pro 2.0 Contact:, Copyright ? 2003 All rights reserved. THIS IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE !!!! If you have downloaded this software from a website other than '' or if you have otherwise received this software from someone who is not a representative of this organization you are involved in an illegal activity. The copying, distribution, installation and usage of this software without our consent is illegal. In order to help us continue the development and production of good software, we kindly ask for your collaboration. Please contact us at '' and tell us where you got the software from. We will reward you with a free license and original software then. LICENSE AGREEMENT Do not run the AlstraSoft software on a site other than which they have been licensed for. Violation of this license agreement may void your right to receive support and subject you to legal action. You should carefully read the following terms and conditions before using this software. Unless you have a different license agreement signed by AlstraSoft, your use of this software indicates your acceptance of this license agreement and disclaimer of warranty. As a registered user, you may alter or modify the AlstraSoft as far as the HTML output is concerned. Further modification of the script code requires written permission of the author (Just drop us a short note ). You cannot give anyone else permission to modify the AlstraSoft Software. You are strictly prohibited from distributing copies of this software without prior permission. You are specifically prohibited from charging, or requesting donations, for any copies, however made, and from distributing the software and/or documentation with other products (commercial or otherwise) without prior written permission! DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY This software, the information, code and/or executables as well as the accompanying files provided are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall the author or seller be liable for any damages whatsoever including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, loss of data, loss of business profits or special damages, even if the author or seller has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Good data processing procedure dictates that any program be thoroughly tested with non-critical data before relying on it. The user must assume the entire risk of using the program. | |
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